Reality or the Dream?

When you have to pick one option, do you choose reality or the dream?
My day job has been more and more demanding, and it’s bringing to the forefront the skill of prioritising tasks and questioning my will to be a writer more and more.
Do I put my time into the job that actually brings in the money and pays my bills or do I risk it all and prioritise the dream? I’m not the first person to come up against these choices and I won’t be the last.
There have been times...
There have been times I’ve doubted that I have the skill. For example, earlier this year when the rejections were pouring in, for just a moment, I thought, ‘maybe I don’t have what it takes,’ but in the end, I’m a writer so even if I’m the only one who ever reads it, I’ll keep writing.
There have been times I’ve doubted that I have the will. Do I have the strength to persevere in the face of rejection and the lack of affirmations? Do I want to sit at my computer when I could be watching TV or hanging out with other people? Real people. Not just ones in my imagination.
There have been times I’ve doubted I have the energy. I don’t always want to be at work all day and then come home and write. Sometimes I want to get under my duvet and take a big nap.
There have been times I’ve doubted that I have the motivation. For instance, when I’m working to complete a writing project but others are calling out to me. Ideas nudging me to start something new.
The question is which do I prioritise? The day job or the dream?
How do you choose between reality or the dream? How do you choose which path to take? You go with your heart. At least that's what I'm doing, because there are some things in life that demand to be a part of you and there are parts of yourself you can't sacrifice no matter how hard it is to continue some days.
I choose...
I choose the dream. I’m throwing caution to the wind, and when a choice has to be made, I’m opting for writing. I can’t have these stories rampaging through my head with no way out. When the choice has to be made, when a career has to be chosen, when a dream is waiting to be chased then to hell with it.
I’m a writer first and I have stories to tell.