New Year...Page One

Make goals or wing it?
Another new year begins and I've already decided not to make resolutions, but I haven't decided whether or not to set goals for myself.
I'm not the best at sticking to them - I have a tendency to get distracted - but I really want to publish my first Accalia book and to finish Martha's story. Then I have all the shorter stories that I want to do. Should I do it by setting missions or should I just take it one story at a time? One page at a time?
I guess I'll do both. I'll plot, I'll write. I'll aim to achieve. This is where my weakness in organisation is going to cause me problems. I have a head for chaos and it doesn't bode well for goal planning. I've got a brand-spanking new diary, so I can plan, but the one thing you can't take into accord is the number of words you can write.
My word count is always random, so I'll plan what I can.