End of Year
New Year... Same old me...

We're advancing toward the end of another year, and I always like the start of the next.
I have no plans to make any illogical resolutions to change myself, because I don't think I've ever kept one, but, maybe I'll resolve to read more books. That seems attainable.
As far as life changes go, though, I feel like I'm on a pretty good track. I could eat healthier, I could exercise more, but that's true of every month of the year.
What I do like about the New Year though, is that it's like a reset. A refresh.
All the things that I've been working on, that I might be wobbling on, that might not be going as well as I want them to... It's not a resolution to continue trying, but it's a new start in a way. Rejuvenation.
I like the refresh of January first. I like the new year.