Ideas All Over The Place

I like to write a blog every week. It makes sure I’m writing, and it keeps everyone up to date with what I’m doing.
Lately, though, things have been pretty quiet, and I haven’t had much to say. I was looking at a webpage to get ideas for what to write about in a blog post and one of them was about ideas of what I plan to write. But that list is too long. I have ideas and ideas and ideas and ideas.
The problem isn’t ideas, the problem I have is too many stories and not enough time to write.
A quick update on what I’m working on at the moment: The Shadow Coven’s second instalment is still in progress. Martha’s story is being told. I’m also working on a shifter menage romance, which is nearing completion. It’s a little longer than planned, but that’s just more story for your money.
I have other shifter romances and erotic stories, some sci fi stories, some contemporary menages. All ideas waiting to be developed. Stick with me, for more stories.